Acelepryn G Insecticide Acelepryn G may be applied for the control of white grubs and...
Syngenta Acelepryn SC Insecticide Syngenta Acelepryn SC Insecticide is for foliar and systemic control of...
Advion Ant Bait Arena An insecticide that acts through ingestion by ants. Use sites...
Advion ant gel bait is labeled to control 19 key ant species with its low-odor, non-staining...
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Advion Cockroach Bait Arena Insecticide Stations Advion cockroach bait arena is a high-performing product...
Advion Cockroach Bait Arena Insecticide Stations Advion cockroach bait arena is a high-performing product...
Advion Evolution Cockroach Gel Bait features the proven performance of indoxacarb, the same trusted active ingredient (a.i.)...
Advion Evolution Cockroach Gel Bait features the proven performance of indoxacarb, the same trusted active ingredient (a.i.)...
Advion Fire Ant Bait With only one application, Advion Fire Ant Bait provides control of foraging...
Advion Fire Ant Bait With only one application, Advion Fire Ant Bait provides control of foraging...
A granular bait for indoor and outdoor control of cockroaches, crickets (including mole crickets), nuisance...
A granular insecticide bait for use to control crickets, including mole crickets, on lawns in...
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Advion Insect Granular BaitAdvion Insect granular bait with a MetaActive effect features a new bait...
Arilon Granular Insecticide Pests often hide in hard-to-reach areas that can’t be treated with just...
Arilon Granular Insecticide Pests often hide in hard-to-reach areas that can’t be treated with just...
Advion WDG Granular Insecticide Pests often hide in hard-to-reach areas that can’t be treated...
Appear II fungicide controls important diseases including Pythium and anthracnose, while enhancing color, turf quality...
Archer Insect Growth Regulator Photo-stable both indoors and outdoors, Archer insect growth regulator (IGR) provides...
Ardent 0.15 EC Miticide/Insecticide Ardent 0.15EC is an emulsifiable concentrate containing 0.15 lb. abamectin per...
Ascernity fungicide combines SOLATENOL technology (benzovindiflupyr) an advanced SDHI for golf course turf and difenoconazole,...
Avid 0.15 Miticide Insecticide Unsurpassed protection against mites and leaf miners Mode of action: Stimulates...
Avid 0.15 Miticide Insecticide Unsurpassed protection against mites and leafminers Mode of action: Stimulates the...
Avid 0.15 Miticide Insecticide Unsurpassed protection against mites and leafminers Mode of action: Stimulates the...
AI: 2.0% abamectin. Avid , the number one insecticide for mites and leaf miners, has...
Banner Maxx II Fungicide Banner Maxx II is a systemic fungicide that provides effective broad-spectrum...
Barricade 4FL HerbicideBarricade 4FL Herbicide Prevent weeds season long with a single application. Barricade...
Barricade 65 WG Herbicide Barricade 65WG herbicide stops more than 30 weeds from emerging. The water-dispersible...
Bonzi PGR Plant Growth Regulator The leading ornamental plant growth regulator (PGR) in the...
Bonzi PGR Plant Growth Regulator The leading ornamental plant growth regulator (PGR) in the...
Caravan G Granular Insecticide Fungicide Caravan G controls more than 20 turfgrass diseases...
Citation 75 WP Insect Growth Regulator Citation is an insect growth regulator that is...
Citation insect growth regulator effectively and economically controls Dipterous leafminers, fungus gnats and shore flies...
Concert II Fungicide Use rate: 1.5-8.3 fl. oz./1000 sq. ft. Concert II fungicide provides...
Daconil Action Fungicide Daconil Action may seem like magic, but the process of boosting the...
Daconil Ultrex Turf Care Fungicide Daconil Ultrex is a contact fungicide that exhibits a multi-site...
Daconil Weatherstik Fungicide Daconil Weatherstik® is a contact fungicides that exhibits a multi-site mode of action...