Elbon Rye - A great crop cover also the hardiest seeds for food plots or mixes. Rye...
FL104 Rye is a great choice early for season pasture or for a highly competitive...
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Florida 401 Winter Grain Rye is used for winter grassing, windbreaks, erosion control, and weed...
Pennington Wintergrazer 70 Rye Grain The most cold tolerant of all small grains. Will continue...
Rymin Rye Grain Seed Rymin Rye is a medium to late maturing grain that can...
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Triticale (trit-ih-KAY-lee) is a crop species resulting from a plant breeder's cross between wheat (Triticum)...
Wrens Abruzzi Winter Rye Grain Seed (Secale cereale) Certified Seed Developed 1953 in GA as...