Ornamec 170 Over-The-Top Herbicide Ornamec 170 Grass Herbicide is a fluazifop-P-butyl formulation designed especially for...
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Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide (Discontinued) RecommendationsPost-emergence control of grass weeds in and around ground covers,...
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Ornamec Grass HerbicideRecommendationsPost-emergence control of grass weeds in and around ground covers, shrubs and trees ...
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Ornamec Grass HerbicideRecommendationsPost-emergence control of grass weeds in and around ground covers, shrubs and trees ...
Q4 Turf Herbicide for Grassy & Broadleaf weedsQ4 Plus Turf Herbicide is a patented product...
Q4 Turf Herbicide for Grassy & Broadleaf weedsQ4 Plus Turf Herbicide is a patented product...
Q4 Turf Herbicide for Grassy & Broadleaf weedsQ4 Plus Turf Herbicide is a patented product...
Trimec® Selective Broadleaf Herbicide The number one preferred post-emergence herbicide for extensively managed fine...
Trimec® Classic The number one prefered post-emergence herbicide for extensively managed fine turf. of golf...