Unparalleled piece of equipment
I was shopping for spreaders for a while now. There are just so many different brands and reviews. People have different preferences and sometimes one type of spreader won’t be good for a certain applications etc etc. And i remember the first time I saw a LESCO spreader at one the retail stores, I couldn’t believe someone could sell a SPREADER for $750! But the deeper I got into the spreader universe, and the more reviews that I read, I finally realized WHY LESCO was a couple hundred dollars more. It’s very hard to find bad reviews on this thing. If you go to any lawn forum, or FB group, the guys who know what they are doing always talk about their LESCO’s. I finally pulled the trigger and got the 80lb spreader because I wanted the stainless steel frame. A year ago I bought a Scott’s drop spreader to use and it wasn’t awful, but it needed to be recalibrated nearly every use and finally broke after a year. I know that I’ll be able to use this LESCO for decades. If you take care of them, they last forever. And if for some reason a part doesn’t last forever, you can buy individual pieces off the LESCO website. These things are built to be passed down to your kids. PS- don’t talk smack about my dirty garage. . I’m cleaning it out.