Stellar Turfgrass Fungicide - 104 Ounces


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Stellar Fungicide for Turfgrass

Stellar Fungicide is formulated as 5.7 lbs. ai/gal suspendable concentrate. The active ingredients are fluopicolide and propamocarb hydrochloride. Stellar exhibits protective, curative, eradicative, and antisporulant activity. Fluopicolide is locally systemic, translaminar and also moves systemically via xylem tissue.

Stellar Fungicide is most effective when applied in a regularly scheduled spray program used in combination and/or rotation with other effective fungicides that have different modes of action.

Usage: 1.2 fl oz per 1000 sq ft (52 fl oz/A). The maximum application rate is 2.4 fl oz per 1000 sq ft per year (104 fl oz/A per year). Apply in a minimum volume of 2 gals per 1000 sq ft. Overseeded Turf: Apply after seed germination to prevent Pythium damping off. Established Turf: Apply when conditions favor disease development. Favorable conditions include high temperatures and high humidity. Do not apply more than two (2) applications of Stellar Fungicide per season. If necessary, make an additional application on a 14 day interval. Stellar Fungicide is most effective when applied in a regularly scheduled spray program used in combination and/or rotation with other effective fungicides that have different modes of action (i.e., non Group 28 & 43 fungicides). Active Ingredients:
  • Fluopicolide - 5.54%
  • Propamocarb Hydrochloride - 55.4%

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Category: Fungicide

Type: Fungicide

Brand: Valent

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