Regal Graze Ladino Clover Seed

Dibbs Seed Co.

Large Leaf White Clover with Overgraze

A great feature Regal Graze ladino clover is a larger leaf size and canopy height than Patriot and Durana clovers. RegalGraze can take very heavy grazing and come back strong thanks to OverGraze Protection that is bred into this cultivar of ladino clover.

RegalGraze,  has proven to be superior in yield with more grazing tolerance than other Ladinos in tests conducted by the University of Georgia. RegalGraze has no anti-quality cyanogenic glucosides unlike some intermediate and small leaf white clover.

  • Features an upright, tall, growth habit, fine stems that support large, dark green leaves and active stolon growth.
  • Winter hardy and adapted to overseeding into millions of acres of permanent grass pastures in the U.S.
  • Superior palatability and animal preference.
  • Persistent, but not overly aggressive so RegalGraze doesn’t take over the pasture.
  • Maximizes daily gain for livestock and fixes nitrogen for the companion grass crop.

 OverGraze Protection™

Under aggressive grazing, RegalGraze with bred-in Overgraze Protection has the ability torejuvenate itself via active stolon growth or by self-seeding. Doesn’t crowd out or take over desired perennial grass components like the small or intermediate leaf types tend to do over time. Maintains the Extension recommended 20-30% of the pasture’s dry matter yield coming from the ladino clover.


Scientific Name
Trifolium repens
Plant Date
Broadcast Early Spring or Fall
Seed Rate
8-10 Lbs per Acre.
Depth 1/4 inch Max
Soil Prefers Clay or Loam
Life Cycle
Food Plot
Deer, Turkey, Rabbit, Quail & Pasture Forage


Forage Yield

RegalGraze has been evaluated for hay yield in pure stands at the University of Georgia, the University of Kentucky and Cal/West’s private testing.


 Animal Preference

The University of Wisconsin, Lancaster Research Station, compared intake and palatability of white clover in the following grazing trial.

 Regal Graze Preference

Grazing Performance

RegalGraze has been evaluated in animal grazing trials at the University of Georgia and the University of Kentucky.

Regal Graze Preformance

NB: Ladino white clovers in permanent grass pastures maximize animal performance.

Extra Daily Gain
Alabama results demonstrated an extra 44% gain by steers over tall fescue alone.

Expanded Grazing Season
Starts the spring grazing season and continues growth well into fall or early winter.

Nitrogen Fertility
Fixes 75 to 150 pounds of nitrogen for the companion grasses.

Fescue Toxicity
Helps dilute the toxic effects of fungal alkaloids in endophyte infected tall fescue which can contribute to animal health and

Grass/legume Balance
Maximum animal performance is achieved when 70-80% of the dry matter yield comes from the cool season grass components. Small and intermediate leaf type white clover often crowds out the desired grass over time. Ladino clover in the pasture is less aggressive and helps maintain the Extension recommended grass/legume balance season after season.

All these agronomic and economic benefits can be realized by including as little as 3 to 5 pounds of RegalGraze Ladino Clover in the mixture during pasture renovation or by over-seeding into established pastures.

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  • T
    Tyler Branson T. B. Tyler B. us

    Will follow up

    I noticed seed laying on the concrete by my front door when I picked the box up small hole in box … I’ve been busy with work and planning on buying some 5 gallons buckets with lids before I open the package up bc there is definitely a break in the package I’m not really picky I just don’t want to open it until I’m prepared to be able to get the seen in a good container

  • J
    James B. J. B. James B.

    Awesome Clover!

    Good Stuff, Deer love it!

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Category: Ladino Clover

Type: Clover Seed

Brand: Dibbs Seed Co.

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