Florgib 4L PGR Plant Growth Regulator - 1 Quart

Fine Americas

Florgib 4L Generic ProGibb T&O PGR

Florgib is an extremely potent plant growth regulator that promotes stem elongation, flowering, and turfgrass, where it can maintain growth and prevent color change in cold weather and maintain regrowth of Bermudagrass in warm weather.

It has a more complete label than any other competing product, giving flexibility for use over a wider variety of plants.

Active Ingredient : Gibberellic Acid -- 4%

Rate : Vary depends on crops, See Label for details.

*for turf(Bermudagrass), 10 ~ 25 oz / Acre(under cold weather), 1 ~ 3 oz / Acre(under warm weather)

*Do not use on dormant turf.

*Do not mix with pesticides, fertilizers, wetting agents, spreader stickers or other adjuvants.


Florgib 4L is a generic ProGibb T&O PGR has been discontinued.

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