Pest Control

GardenSafe Neem Oil Extract Concentrate - 1 Pint.

Garden Safe

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Neem Oil Discover Organic

  • For organic gardening
  • 3 garden products in 1
  • For use on roses, flowers, houseplants, ornamental trees and shrubs, fruits and vegetables in and around the home and home garden


This product controls the following:

Fungus - rust, leaf spot, anthracnose, scab, black spot, downy mildew, botrytis, needle rust and flower, twig and tip blight, alternaria, powdery mildew

Insects - aphids, spider mites, scale, whiteflies, beetles, leafrollers, other insects



PostedJuly 27, 2012 By Drew Additional information about Drew could not be loaded. From: City: Gaston, State: South Carolina Age:45 to 54 Gender:Male Usage frequency:Weekly Level of expertise:Expert   I have an orchard with 50 muscadine grape vines, 24 blueberry bushes, 2 peach trees , and 2 pear trees. I make a lot of muscadine jelly every year, beetles, and stink bugs off of the vines. I have been using bonide fruit tree spray for 5 years now with good success to contol insects and most diseases, but I don't like the idea of eating posions. This year I found your product and decided to try it. We have had HOT, HUMID weather which promotes fungal problems such as powdery mildew, rust, leaf spot, and many others. I used the neem oil extract and have seen a dramatic imporvement in insect and fungal disease control over the Bonide fruit tree spray. The leaves are brilliant green, the fruit has no disease, and the vines are growing extremely well to have been subjected to extremel hot weather. Now that I am a believer in your procuct, I would like to see it offered in a larger quanity so that I don't have to purchase so many quart bottles. Do you have larger quantities for sale?

Yes, I recommend this product.    
PostedAugust 7, 2012 By Sylvester017 Additional information about Sylvester017 could not be loaded. From: City: Los Angeles County, State: California Age: 65 or over Gender: Female Usage frequency: Weekly Level of expertise: Intermediate   Basically, I bought this product to rid the aphids, which I knew I had because the ants were crawling everywhere on my tomato plants. Apparently, ants love to protect aphids from the sweet residue they emit. Immediately after using the Neem Oil mix for bugs, I noticed a sudden infestation of powdery mildew on my squash plant leaves (very humid July's in Southern California.) A couple of applications 1 week apart took care of slowing down the mildew til I had a chance to cut out the infected leaves. This one bottle goes a long way to mix the small amounts of spray I need for my little 4x9' raised garden bed. And it's ORGANIC!!!

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Category: Neem Oil

Type: Insecticide

Brand: Garden Safe

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