Fungicide Catalog

Obtego Fungicide and Plant Symbiont - 5 Lb


Obtego Fungicide and Plant Symbiont serves as a multi-functional tool for growers by protecting the plant from damaging soil-borne pathogens and enhancing root growth. Obtego contains two unique fungi-based active ingredients. The two species combine to form a powerful fungicide that is effective in a wide range of soil and environmental conditions. Obtego is highly effective against diseases such as Pythium spp., Phytophthora spp., Rhizoctonia spp. and more. Obtego and plant roots live in a mutually beneficial symbiosis. As Obtego colonizes the root system, the Obtego fungi promote competition and parasitism of plant damaging pathogens in the soil. In return, Obtego stimulates development of a robust root system. The end result is a healthy, high quality plant.

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