Sold Out $232.00
SUPERIOR DISEASE PROTECTION: Stergo MX contains 22% mefenoxam; the same active ingredient as Subdue Maxx, the fungicide professional turf managers and greenhouse growers count on for unparalleled disease control.
DOUBLE-ACTION DISEASE ATTACK: Give disease the one-two punch. Stergo MX works with contact + systemic activity to stop disease already there and prevent new disease from starting. Absorbed through leaves and roots, Stergo MX fights disease from within the plant while holding power on the soil surface combats pathogens in organic matter.
BROAD-SPECTRUM DISEASE CONTROL + LEADING PYTHIUM PREVENTION: Gain superior control of Pythium blight and Pythium damping-off in turf and ornamentals plus broad-spectrum control of many root, stem, and foliar diseases.
WIDE-USE FLEXIBILTY FROM GREENHOUSE & NURSERY TO TURFGRASS & LANDSCAPE: Labeled for disease control on flowering, foliage, and woody ornamentals, vegetable transplants, and turfgrass. Stergo MX is a go-to fungicide for professional results in greenhouse, golf, commercial, and residential settings. Refer to the label for complete use list and application instructions.