Collard Greens - Georgia Southern Heirloom Seed - Packet

Pages Seeds

Georgia Southern Collards Seeds

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Extremely popular in the South and their popularity is growing in all other regions. Collards are the most nutritious of greens, and are ready to eat as early as 60 days from sowing.


Extremely popular in the south, and their popularity is growing in all other regions. Collards are the most nutritious of greens, and are ready to eat as early as 60 days from sowing. Non-genetically engineered.

Sow seeds early spring and mid summer in the south. Sow in May in the north. Tolerates poor soils. Plants are easy to grow, tolerant of heat and cold.

Harvest: 60-75 days.

Uses: The juicy leaves have a mild cabbage-like flavor and are delicious boiled, steamed, or raw as an addition to salads.

Planting depth: 1/4"-1/2" (6-12 mm.)
Seed spacing: 1" (2.5 cm.)
Spacing between rows: 24"-30" (60-75 cm.)
Days to germination: 5-14
Spacing after thinning: 12"-18" (30-45 cm.)
Days to maturity: 60-75

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