Pest Control

Meridian 25WG Insecticide Granules - 17 Oz.


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Meridian 25WG is a broad-spectrum insecticide that is effective against many insect pests when applied at label rates to turfgrass, plant foliage and soil. Meridian 25WG is rainfast once it has dried, readily absorbed into plant tissues, and moderately persistent in the soil and foliage, providing excellent residual control. The active ingredient in Meridian 25WG will control soil pests upon contact or ingestion and is also readily taken up by plant roots. The active ingredient moves upwards in the plant to the site of pest infestation. Through feeding on the plant, pests are exposed to the active ingredient. Feeding will stop within minutes to hours of exposure and be followed by death of the pest. Meridian 25WG is not active as an ovicide or as an insect growth regulator. Because residues on leaf surfaces are quickly degraded, Meridian 25WG is compatible with beneficial arthropods.

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