Organic Production OMRI Listed Fungicides

SaniDate 12.0 Microbiocide - 5 Gallons

BioSafe Systems

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SaniDate 12.0 Microbiocide is a high-strength, 12% Peracetic Acid-based microbiocide formulated as an alternative to chlorine treatments in irrigation water. Use SaniDate 12.0 Microbiocide to control water-borne pathogens and their dormant spores caused by algae, bacteria and biofilm. This will prevent the spread of disease among crops in the greenhouse. 

Active Ingredients: Hydrogen Peroxide 18.5% + Peroxyacetic Acid 12.0%

SaniDate 12.0 Microbiocide is a one-step process for all types of irrigation systems. The highly concentrated formula guarantees economical dilution rates.

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